Contest #5
To enter, you must complete both of the following:
Follow Brew Donkey on Twitter, Facebook OR Instagram.
Follow @BrewDonkeyOtt
Answer the following question in a post on Facebook or Twitter.
You can use the widgets below to share your answer, and be sure to tag Brew Donkey and Ottawhat, including the hashtag #ottawhatcontest.
I'd like to see ______ on tap in Ottawa!
@brewdonkeyott @ottawhatpodcast #ottawhatcontest http://ottawhatpodcast.com/brewdonkey
For a bonus entry in this week's contest, you can also follow Ottawhat on Facebook or Twitter, or leave a rating and review on iTunes.
Follow @OttawhatPodcast
Follow @OttawhatPodcast
I hope I win!