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We will be recording a live episode of the podcast (with stand-up comedy and live music) on Thursday, April 21st at Frank and Oak Ottawa. Check out the details here, and we'll see you there!
We're partnered with Brew Donkey for a contest, and you have the chance to win a FREE brewery tour ticket (a $90+ value). Enter now at ottawhatpodcast.com/brewdonkey!
Week 4 closes Dec 3rd!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Trump Representatives Disappointed with Lack of Walls in Eastern Ontario

By: Eric Turmelle
As the President-Elect prepares to take office, he has taken the first step in delivering on his campaign promise of constructing a 40 foot tall, 1,000 mile long precast concrete Mexican border wall. Trump has created a task force to determine what this wall would cost the American taxpayer. After performing some preliminary calculations, it became evident that there was no way this concrete structure could be built for under 21 billion dollars, more than double the amount the Donald had predicted during his campaign.

The task force, primarily comprised of material science deniers, set forth to find more cost effective materials that could potentially be used for the wall construction. They left no stone unturned: they looked at “stone, clay, and many others,” they assured Ottawhat? News. Some members of the task force even travelled to Berlin to confirm the infeasibility of that wall. It was noted, however, that they did not travel to China. The President-Elect was adamant that he did not want a solution “made in CHIIIINA.” With the need to think outside the box, combined with warnings not to look overseas for any further help or ideas, researchers stumbled upon a google search hinting that there may a novel solution being implemented just hours north of the border, and a mere hour away from Ottawa.

The group undertook two weeks’ worth of research, and a very expensive trip to Eastern Ontario. When all was said and done, the task force was very disappointed to find out there was in fact no wall made of corn in Cornwall. A pilot project to test the idea of a corn wall could be arranged, however, this would take months, and the future president wanted to begin construction on the wall immediately after his inauguration. News of the task force’s failures were leaked to the satire news media this morning.

Trump, who received criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for rising costs of the wall task force took to twitter last night: “Those Snow Mexicans think they’re so smart with their deliberately misleading town names. Let me tell you something, I don’t think it’s funny. They think breaking NAFTA is going to be a big deal. Wait until they see what I got in store for them! The “corn wall” may be a reality soon enough. I’m thinking we may need one North of the border after all, and I got news for them, they’re going to pay for it!”

While the future of Trump’s “corn wall” remains uncertain, one thing is crystal clear: Cornwall is a disappointing place for anyone to visit.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

#117 - Unlocked Ottawa (Candice Gertsman & Calvin Joy)

On the show this week, the crew talked to Candice and Calvin from Unlocked Ottawa, two of the proud co-founders of the first competitive escape room in Ottawa. We got to try out the competitive, team-based Krylon Crew room in December, and we can confirm it's a totally new and challenging experience.

Hear how the founders grew up together in Kanata, split up after high school, then got back together to start this fun venture. You'll also hear more about how the far west end isn't necessarily as boring as it used to be, in case you were thinking that.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

#116 - Lynn Kirkpatrick (Dodgeball Ottawa)

This episode features a conversation with a representative of Canada's national dodgeball team and one of the founders of Dodgeball Ottawa, Lynn Kirkpatrick (along with her husband and co-founder Spencer Sarault).

Learn about competitive dodgeball as it's played around the world and in Ottawa, and hear how Lynn's team came home with a silver medal from this year's world championships.

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This episode is also brought to you in part by Audible.com. Visit audibletrial.com/ottawhat today and get a free audiobook and free 30-day trial, and feel good in helping support the show.
